Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant
Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant II – is a NPP under construction, which is being built according to AES-2006. The NPP will have two power units with VVER type reactors (Water-Water Energetic Reactor) with nominal power 1200 MW each

The reactors of the Belarusian NPP will have a containment building, which is a necessary protection method in case of an accident inside the NPP to contain possible escape of radioactive steam or gas. It also serves as a protection shield against outside emergency situations, like earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, whirlwinds, aircraft crashes, explosions, missile strikes etc.
The containment wall thickness is 1.80 m and the missile shield thickness is 0.80 m.

Ancon CXL couplers and locknuts were extensively used during the construction of Belarusian NPP, including the construction of the reactor containment building.
While installation of enlarged reinforcement cages special Ancon E-CXL-EL couplers were used. The couplers allow doing the assembly in one section if necessary.
During the construction of Belarusian NPP there were regular mechanical tests of control samples of the coupler joints carried out. The strength testing machines complied with the GOST 28840-90 requirements.